Quality Control Testing for Construction Materials
Quality Control Testing for Construction Materials
Quality control of construction materials is extremely important in public works.
JTCCM provides testing services for the steel and concrete used in reinforced concrete structures at the Construction Materials Test Laboratory.
This kind of testing must be done a short distance from the construction site.
The Construction Materials Test Laboratory also conducts tests on concrete, mortar, reinforcing bars, steel materials, asphalt, base course materials and other materials used in construction and civil engineering, as well as concrete core strength tests and carbonation tests used in seismic resistance diagnosis of buildings and other structures.
JTCCM has several other testing branches in addition to the Construction Materials Test Laboratory and the Nishinihon Test Laboratory. Four are located in the Kanto District (Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, Chiba), one is located in the Chugoku District (Yamaguchi), and one is in the Kyushu District (Fukuoka).
The Construction Materials Test Laboratory is registered as an accredited body under Japan National Laboratory Accreditation (JNLA), which is governed under the JIS Law.
It has also developed and manages a Quality Management System complying with JIS Q 17025 (ISO/IEC 17025).