Performance Evaluation Service
Ministerial Approval System
In Japan, under the Building Standard Law, buildings, building parts and materials, etc. shall conform to the technical requirements stipulated in the Law and Ordinances.
In the case of conventional materials, etc., conformity may be confirmed based on specifications or general verification methods.
In the case of new materials, etc., conformity must be confirmed based on Ministerial approval, which is granted on the basis of the results of testing by a performance evaluation organization having the required capabilities.
Performance Evaluation Organization
JTCCM as a performance evaluation organization designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, conducts tests and evaluations on structural methods and building materials at the request of manufacturers, etc., and issues the evaluation reports required for Ministerial approval.

Evaluation Items
[Structural methods, etc.]
(1) Fire-resistive and fire preventive construction
(Fire-resistive or quasi-fire resistive construction, and fire preventive or quasi-fire preventive construction)(2) Opening protective assembly
(Fire doors and the other fire preventive equipment, fire preventive equipment for openings of exterior walls, or specified opening protective assemblies)(3) Fire preventive materials
(Noncombustible materials, quasi-noncombustible materials, or fire retardant materials)(4) Components passing through fire compartments
(Water supply or drainage pipes,etc. passing through fire compartments)(5) Roof fire preventive construction
(6) Sound insulation construction of separation walls
(7) Multiplier of frame with strength of
wooden structure and bearing wall of
wood frame structure
(8) Formaldehyde-emitting building materials
[Other performance evaluations]
In addition to structural methods, JTCCM also provides the following performance evaluations.
(Please be advised that clients must be given guidance on the following evaluations eparately.)
- Designated building materials (concrete, etc.) based on Article 37 of the Building Standard Law.
- Fire preventive equipment with smoke blocking performance.